Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am taking yet another photography course. This one is with BigPictureScrapbooking - Mastering Manual Mode is the course title. I've been trying to get the hang of this entry level EOS Rebel T3i for a while now. I have a wide array of cameras but this one is going to take some getting use to. Firstly it's heavy - too heavy for me to really hold in one hand, which is often necessary for me. So far the weight and size are the only drawbacks. I am determined to just strengthen my hands in order to use this one to it's full potential. So I've been taking some preclass pics and reading the manual pictured here plus a recomended book - Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. I've been using this camera to post pictures of the projects I'm working on lately, some day to day stuff and also of my dog Cornelius. At lease "One - A - Day" is what I'll be doing. Posting here so I can easily track my progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cathy!
    Once you master manual mode you'll have a hard time going back to auto! Bryan Peterson's book is amazing! Had many aha moments while reading and have since read most of what he has out! He is awesome at explaining the how to's! I entered the DSLR with a Rebel and have just upgraded to a pretty serious Canon 7D...it packs on more weight but is fabulous! Enjoy the process of the journey!
